How To Decide On The Curtain Fullness

Curtain fullness pertains to the number of ripples or folds visible when the curtain is drawn closed. When considering curtain fullness, it's important to focus on two primary factors: the appearance and the width of the stacked fabric.

The foremost consideration is the appearance, and we've provided a series of images to illustrate how different levels of curtain fullness can impact the overall look.


120% Fullness

100% Fullness

80% Fullness

60% Fullness

Curtain Calculator

Step 1

Use the Ripplefold Chart below to figure the fullness of your drapery below. A few things to consider when figuring your fullness:

  1. STACKBACK – The smaller the fullness, the more the coverage per ripple. Consider a smaller fullness factor if space or view is important.
  2. PRIVACY – 120% is the most common fullness for sheers for privacy.
  3. BUDGET – As the fullness increases, coverage decreases. This will increase the amount of fabric needed. If budget is important, consider a smaller fullness factor.

Curtain Calculator

Step 1

Determine the width of your rod in one of two ways:

1. If there is unlimited space and you want the draperies to stack completely off of the glass, multiply the width of the glass by the stack back percentage shown on the Ripplefold chart.

Curtain Calculator

Step 2

Determine the width of your rod in one of two ways:

2. If there is limited space, you know what the width of the rod will have to be. As noted below, you may adjust the fullness factor to manage the stack back.

Example 1:

Using 120% fullness factor, 100” glass

100 x .36 = 36 extra inches –> 136” total rod length

Stackback is determined based on the Draw:

  • One-Way draw would require a 36” stack on the Left or Right;
  • Center-Split draw would require an 18” stack on each side.